Wednesday, March 29, 2017
The internet and SEO industry has taken off and with any booming market you will find a few bad apples. We made a list of 5 things to look for so you don’t get duped by someone trying to sell you fake product and empty promises…
This is a more popular one we see. It gets people worried that they might need to ‘unlock a password’ for their domain or some other excuse so that their site wont go down. Do not click on these emails. Call the company you work with or go straight to admin on their site to check if any action needs to be taken. A good way to spot a scam is if the email address it comes from ends with @gmail or @yahoo and is not from the company it claims to be. Notice our emails come from
Why would you pay high dollars for someone to be a middle man who uses free software they pulled from the internet? You want to make sure the company you are working with has their own server and is not just plugging your information into a premade format.
If they say yes then they are just trying to make a sale. No one can guarantee ranking as google doesn’t share how the algorithm works and they are constantly changing it.
If they can explain to you what the Google Panda Update is and approximately when it came out then it means they do their research and are keeping up on the changes.
This is what we call a fly by night company. We have clients around the country that have never been to our office so sometimes this is not possible but they know our address and can look us up along with our references to solidify that we are a legitimate business that can be trusted. If a company has no history or real presence that is a big red flag.