Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Just about every site you see nowadays has a page for News, Articles, Alerts, Tips or whatever the choice of title it may be, however “Web Logs” what’s now more commonly known as “Blogs” is what started it all. So understanding the importance of a regularly recurring informational section on your site [blog page], what’s the ideal length or keyword count for your blog pages? Blog size is one of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to blogging. The ideal blog post length will depend on various factors, some of which include, what type of audience you are targeting, delivery method and goals of the content. Different blog lengths have different benefits. Today, we will discuss what the right blog length is for your business.
With the minimum word count at 300, here are some of the benefits of publishing shorter blogs.
Developing short posts on a variety of topics that are relevant to your company will allow you to get more content out to your readers, educating them on a wider range of topics. Shorter blogs are good when you want to follow a weekly blog schedule as 1000+ word post is more difficult to sustain. By setting your blogging strategy on shorter content creation you are more likely to stick to a posting schedule which eventually enables you to publish more readable content for your potential customers.
Keeping minimum word count to 1000+ per page; here are some of the benefits of publishing longer blogs.
User engagement is the most important factor in SEO. Always remember that the ideal blog post length for SEO is going to be based on how much people read & engage with the content. So if you are planning to increase the length of your content keep into consideration the quality factor. Longer posts can prove to be more supportive in your SEO efforts as it gives search engines more content to evaluate. But at the same time quality and engagement comes into the picture and makes it trickier to decide upon the right type of content for your business.
It has been seen that longer content often includes repetitive and descriptive information which is more eligible for academic purpose. Also, writers compromise the quality for longer blogs which in turn hurts the SEO and defeat the key purpose of creating content in the first place. We recommend you to opt for longer blogs if your content is more used for an academic purpose, email marketing is not one of your priority and you have a team of full-time content writers who are experienced with professional research and writing.
With that said, if you want to create frequent content on various topics that prompt readers to take action, shorter content (300 – 500 words) is the ideal length for you. A short, to-the-point write-up is probably exactly what you need when you are selling a product or service and your aim is to get a reader to click on your CTAs (calls to action).
Walibu always encourages content from the business owners but if it's a new business or you just don't have the time, we can help you develop and maintain an effective content strategy for your website. To Get Started email us at and we will get back to you right away!
Feel free to reach out to us if you are interested in improving the online presence of your business. Our passionate and enthusiastic team will be very happy to help you grow your business. If you have any questions about this let us know!