Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Web technology is a multi-faceted, ever-evolving process; combining devices, connections, applications and emerging software arenas just to name a few. Knowing digital technology evolves at a very fast pace, neglecting the upgrades/changes can cost us our digital survival. We can’t possibly cover all new and emerging needs in this article, so we’ll focus on, devices, and the importance of a responsively design website.
Being a business owner you must be curious why it is so IMPORTANT! Well, the most visible reason behind it is the massive adoption of phones and tablets over the last few years. And it became mandatory for businesses to have a business website that is compatible with every device.
A responsive website design is a site that can adjust to the screen it is being viewed on. Responsive websites automatically reformat to enhance the user experience regardless of the device it is accessed from. The thought behind responsive web design is to enable people surfing from different devices (mobile phones, tablets, desktops, etc.) redeem the same site experience that the business desired to provide.
PC’s are sold in millions a year whereas smaller gadgets like phones and tablets are sold in billions which is big enough reason to reflect the urgency of going Responsive. In coming years, it won’t be surprising to see businesses without responsively designed website struggling for customers or disappearing from the market.
Responsive or mobile-friendly website design can give your website a number of benefits as well as you will be in line with Google recommendations. Google holds more than 67% of the search market share and it refers to "responsive website" as industry best practice and highly recommends having it to help you gain higher search rank.
Business owners are well aware of the fact that “Customer is Always Right”. If a couple of customers come to your store and ask of a certain item, you would surely get it, right? Here, the same people are coming to your digital store via their phones/smaller devices. At this point, 90% of adults in the U.S. have a cell phone and 60% of internet access is mobile. What if they found you on Facebook and try to visit your website to learn more about you but end up buying from your competitors just because your website wasn’t compatible with their devices. To survive in today’s competitive digital business world, staying up to date with the latest digital trends is a MUST. Don’t Wait – Get Responsive!
Walibu can help you design, develop and maintain a responsive website. To Get Started email us at team@walibu.com and we will get back to you right away!
Feel free to reach out to us if you are interested in improving the online presence of your business. Our passionate and enthusiastic team will be very happy to help you grow your business. If you have any questions about this let us know!