Tuesday, November 27, 2018
For most businesses, their primary goal is always to inform visitors about products and/or services and then to nurture & convert those visitors into long-term customers.
In past, this was done by opening a physical store in places with higher foot traffic but now the way of doing business has completely changed. The place where you will find the maximum traffic is DIGITAL and you will have to have your virtual presence on the internet to compete in this ever-growing online marketplace.
Digital Marketing comprises a number of marketing tactics, to name a few- websites, social media, email marketing, mobile marketing, and search engine optimization. Let us discuss a few key digital tools that can help you grow your business faster.
Your business website is a virtual storefront and you should keep it looking as inviting, interesting and exciting as you would keep your physical business place. A modern business website can act as your employee, it keeps your visitors entertained, gives presentations, generate leads for your business, perform automated follow-ups, help you make sales online and much more!
The best thing about having a business website is that people can learn about your business at any time, day or night. People can buy your products or research your offerings without waiting for you to open your physical store. They can also find links to your social media platforms, enabling you to create and nurture a community around your brand.
Social Media has become an important part of our daily lives, personally and professionally. Nowadays, companies without a Social Media page are less connected to their consumers. A well-maintained and active Social Media Business Page plays a very important role in leveraging the digital presence of any business. It offers a tremendous opportunity to increase exposure, create a positive brand image, and generate leads/sales. Social Media has always been the favorite platform for effective targeted advertising.
In today’s digital world, when you need or want to learn about a product and/or service you pick up your phone – turn to Google – enter a search query by text or voice – click on one of the links from the first page of your search results and you become a potential customer to that company.
Google processes over 40,000 searches per second, which equates to roughly 3.5 billion searches per day. Within those searches are your customers!
You may have wondered at some point in time, why some websites rank better when there are so many others that offer the same products and/or services. This is a result of search engine algorithms attempting to deliver the most relevant sites, and SEO is the practice of making your site the most relevant for those keywords and phrases.
Search Engine Optimization is one of the most effective ways to make sure your business reaches its full marketing potential. For starters, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is what you do to make sure your web presence shows up in search engine results when someone searches for keywords that relate to your business.
In today’s date, the Internet is considered one of the most reliable sources of information, and having a responsive business website with the right search engine optimization & social media integration can lead you to the path of explosive sales, higher visibility, more interaction and more.
Walibu can help you design, develop and maintain a strong Digital Presence for your business. To Get Started email us at team@walibu.com and we will get back to you right away!
Feel free to reach out to us if you are interested in improving the online presence of your business. Our passionate and enthusiastic team will be very happy to help you grow your business. If you have any questions about this let us know!