Wednesday, July 26, 2017
You can write the best newsletter ever but if you don’t have a good list it’s not going to do you much good. We are going to share our secrets to building an awesome newsletter list and get you the following you will need to grow your business.
You need to make sure it’s not all about selling. Crazy to think but I’m telling you to NOT sell to your clientele. This sounds weird and will be hard to do. I know. But you need to try to avoid a big sales pitch. You will lose subscribers if all they get is constant sales from you. We skip commercials for a reason. No one wants to hear it. But don’t get discouraged, I’m leading you to better news.
You want to give your readers something informative or a ‘how to’ so they take something away from reading your newsletter. The goal is to put something out there that makes them forward this to their friends and share it on their social media with a tagline that says “good read”. That’s the goal every time you sit down to write. So before you hit send, ask yourself, ‘does this have valuable information for my readers?’ If so, go ahead and send that bad boy out, you’re a writing pro.
You want to make sure your design is clean and professional. One mistake I see is people trying to make it too flashy. Too much color, different fonts, a lot of pictures are all rookie moves. Don’t go crazy trying to catch the eye because it could work against you. A nice clean crisp template is the goal. Add a picture or two, have good content and make sure your contact info is at the bottom with social share buttons. Don’t do more than two colors and keep the font to one, easy to read font. Simple is better and the first impression is huge. If I opened a busy email I wouldn’t bother to read it. My time is precious and so is the time of your clientele. Remember that.
Make sure to share your newsletter on all your outlets. Social shares and blogging on your website will attract even more attention and build your subscriber list. It is fun to watch how many hits a good article gets when shared on social outlets.
This is just a quick and general run down of marketing essentials but feel free to reach out to us if you are interested in improving the presence of your business. Our passionate and enthusiastic team will be very happy to help you grow your business. If you have any questions about this let us know!
Your marketing family,
Marketing Paradise
Marketing + Technology + Design