Tuesday, April 28, 2020
For small local businesses, lack of physical engagement and in-person conversations are the new challenges today. People, being cautious about their safety, are reluctant to visit businesses around them and are avoiding buying products/services to combat the spread of the virus.
Amid the norms of social distancing, a new digital world is coming to existence, opening doors for businesses to tighten their command. Digital presence is an opportunity for companies to bridge their way to the customer's doorstep while following physical distancing.
Your winning strategy lies in utilizing the tools for a successful Digital Relationship with Your Audience in your business model.
Spending time with your website is essential now more than ever. The only way to bring new leads to your business is through a responsive and highly engaging website.
Two types of customer behavior are common today; your customers are in a hurry to avail their products, and they are not leaving their smartphones.
A responsive website is your savior that would match your visitor's hustle to open the site on their mobile phones. Invest in tweaking your website design to meet the changing trends in business.
The economy is on the edge of recession. But businesses still have a way out. Email marketing has been conventional, but the most effective digital weapon to date. Being connected to your audience is a matter of concern in the Corona situation.
Creating segmented and conversion-oriented email campaigns can help you keep in touch with your target market. They purposely subscribed to your newsletters, it's now time to give them the best out of it.
Don't stick to COVID-19 updates; they have plenty of them via other platforms. Mention how YOU are going to be resourceful and beneficial for them.
Harness the real power of technology and capitalize on short-term attention spans and direct connections. Reach out to them one-to-one implementing live chat on your website.
A live chat system allows your leads and customers to open up and put their concerns directly in front of you. Employ your sales and customer service representatives to hear their questions and feedback. You will also get to know how people are reacting to your COVID-19 response.
The other way, you can go live to talk with your people. Confront their demands yourself to give them a more personalized customer experience.
Ensure that your calls to action are appropriate and do not disobey the social distancing norms. People may not take action on travel-related offers now, for example, but they can be curious to know about future options. "Book now" or "Grab a free ticket" may seem misleading but "Learn more" can be a new hope.
Do not reflect urgency in your CTAs, as COVID-19 outweighs all other necessities today. Try to be relevant to the current situation and tweak your offers to provide them with the value they demand now.
When it comes to building digital relationships with your audience, our expert team at Walibu always work to strengthen your efforts. We would be glad to hear from you and extend our earliest services to support your digital marketing strategy.
Reach us here or write to us at info@walibu.com to know how we excel in our solutions.