Wednesday, March 28, 2018
In the multi-faceted realm of SEO and digital marketing, one area that is often underserved is content marketing. This quick read will shed some light and clarity on what exactly content marketing is and how you can utilize it. (hint: this read about content marketing, is content marketing!)
What is content marketing?
According to Content Marketing institute, content marketing is:
Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.
All activities that involve creating and sharing information fall under content marketing. The idea behind content marketing is to develop interesting, shareable & valuable information to attract an audience and build a brand. If you do your content marketing correctly, you will not only develop a loyal & growing audience but also your rank will increase.
Social Media platforms are also a very important part of any content marketing strategy as they offer you space where you can directly share and interact with your target audience. With these regular knowledge sharing instances, visitors develop a relationship of trust with your brand. And, all of these visitors are your potential buyers. So, in addition to increasing the traffic, content marketing can increase your sales as well.
Quality content
Quality is highly valued in today’s digital world and when it comes to content, good & interesting content will always help you stay ahead of your competitors. It’s not only about improving the number of readers, you also need to provide a content piece that other websites will want to reference, which will also boost your website traffic. Further, your content should be at least 400 words or more as search engines see more descriptive content as better content. This is a tough balance as the average site visitor has a 7 second attention span, so an intriguing subject, attracting photos or imagery or other lead ins often work well in retaining your reader’s attention while satisfying word count (this article is 529 words).
Better Google Ranking
Search engines take into consideration the relevancy of content while ranking your page in search results. Low-quality content just creates noise and doesn’t really attract or gain interest in genuine visitors, but when you share relevant content – website traffic will improve naturally.
Remember that your website is your home base – your primary marketing tool for marketing your business online and you need to do what it takes to ensure your website is found. The key is to focus on the kind of content that relates to your business and interests of the community you have built overtime.
Walibu can audit your website’s SEO. To get started, submit 1-30 tentative keywords for your business website by Clicking HERE or you can also email us at and we will get back to you right away!
Feel free to reach out to us if you are interested in improving the online presence of your business. Our passionate and enthusiastic team will be very happy to help you grow your business. If you have any questions about this let us know!