How do I set up my Amazon SES SMTP?
You're probably asking, "How do I set up my Amazon SES SMTP"?
This guide assumes you already have an existing Walibu email setup, so the simple steps show just the modification of the settings for Microsoft Outlook; however, the settings will be very similar to other email client software. Feel free to contact us for additional assistance.
Follow the guide below:
After opening Outlook and viewing the current settings, you'll:
1. Update the outgoing mail server to your Amazon SES email server.
2. Click More Settings
3. Select the "Outgoing Server" tab
4. Check "My outgoing server requires authentication"
5. Enter the supplied username and password
6. Check "Remember Password"
Next, move to the "Advanced Tab"
7. Change the outgoing mail server to 587
8. Change the type of encryption to TLS
Click OK
10. Click Finish and confirm your test emails were sent successfully.
That's it but let us know if you have any questions.